空间再加大!续航610km,售价14.99万起,埃安AION S MAX上市
来源:浦东发布 日期:2023-10-29 浏览

  AION S MAX搭载的电动机续航610公里,相比同价位竞争对手续航能力更加强大。这辆新车可以说是一次大改款,引入了更多的配色和更加时尚的外观设计,内部空间也更大了。AION S MAX的正式上市意味着消费者有了更多的选择,同时也将进一步巩固埃安在电动车市场的地位。当然,尽管在设计上还存在一些缺陷,这并不影响AION S MAX成为一款非常有吸引力的车型。此次新款车型的改动非常大,整个前脸的设计得到了完全的改变。分体式大灯的引入,让这款车型展现出了全新的气质。此外,梵星蓝和碧云绿两种外观颜色也让人眼前一亮。车身长度增加了60mm,轴距增加了10mm,使得内部空间更加宽敞。尽管整个车型在设计上进行了减法,却依然能够吸引年轻人的青睐。AION S MAX的上市标志着它将取代AION S PLUS在市场的地位。此次上市共推出5款车型,售价区间在14.99万元到20.29万元之间。


  这款车型的销量一直表现不俗,平均每个月销售超过2万台,近半年的销量甚至超过了卡罗拉、凯美瑞和帕萨特等知名轿车,同时也是纯电动轿车销量的冠军。此外,据说AION S PLUS将被销往东南亚市场,这是埃安探索海外市场的一种尝试。在新车型上市之前,我们在广州的商业街进行了拍摄,经过的白领们对这款新车的外观非常赞赏。整个车型的设计非常有吸引力,虽然存在一些小遗憾,比如需要等到明年中换代时才能解决尾厢开启按键的问题,但整体上来看,这款车型的性价比非常高。作为编辑,我认为埃安在推出AION S MAX时做出了明智的决策。这款车型在外观设计、续航能力和内部空间方面都有了重大的改进,满足了消费者对于时尚、舒适和高品质的需求。此外,随着电动车市场的竞争日益激烈,AION S MAX的上市也标志着埃安在电动车市场的地位将进一步巩固。


  最后,我想问问读者们,你们对于AION S MAX的外观和性能如何评价?你们觉得它能否在竞争激烈的电动车市场中脱颖而出?欢迎留下你们的评论和观点。


  AION S MAX: Upgraded Comfort and SpaceThe AION S MAX, the latest model from AION, has recently been released, boasting an increase in comfort and space. With 90% of the interior now covered in leather, stepping into the AION S MAX is a warm and cozy experience. The luxurious interior and ample space have always been the strengths of the AION S, and this new version takes it to the next level. Ad


  ditionally, the new model features breath-taking ambient lighting in the center console and ventilated seats in the front row. The sound system has also been upgraded to include 11 speakers, providing an enhanced in-car experience. With an extended wheelbase, the AION S MAX offers even more space in the rear, allowing for the front seats to be completely folded down and connected to the rear seat


  cushion, creating a comfortable bed-like setup. The front seats have been optimized for a more natural and comfortable driving posture, while the seating height in the rear remains unchanged, creating a theater-like seating arrangement. In terms of power, the AION S MAX will be equipped with a 180 kW electric motor, offering two different versions with ranges of 510 km and 610 km respectively.AI


  ON S MAX: A Step Towards a More Youthful and Cost-Effective DesignThe AION S has been a success in the market, largely due to its ability to meet the core demands of electric sedans priced around 150,000 RMB. With its comfortable and spacious interior and a more upscale interior compared to other cars in the same price range, the AION S has captured the hearts of many customers. In this new AION


   S MAX upgrade, the brand has not only maintained these advantages but has also added a touch of youthfulness to the exterior design. Furthermore, the upgraded features and enhanced cost-effectiveness further highlight the brand's commitment to the market. This move represents AION S's sincere effort to please customers before the next-generation model arrives in the market.The AION S MAX, with


  its increased leather coverage, provides a cozy and comfortable environment for passengers. The spaciousness and high-quality interior have always been the AION S's strong points, and the new version builds upon these strengths. Additionally, the upgraded features, such as the ambient lighting in the center console and the ventilated seats in the front row, as well as the improved sound system wit


  h 11 speakers, further enhance the in-car experience. The extended wheelbase offers even more space in the rear, allowing for a fully flat front seat and a connected rear seat cushion, creating a comfortable and versatile setup. During the test drive, the optimized seating height in the front seats contributes to a more natural and comfortable driving posture. However, the seating height in the re

  ar remains the same, creating a theater-like seating arrangement. In terms of power, the AION S MAX will be equipped with a 180 kW electric motor, providing two different versions with ranges of 510 km and 610 km respectively.The AION S MAX upgrade not only maintains the core advantages of the AION S—comfort and spaciousness—but also introduces a more youthful and trendy design. The exterior of

  the new model exudes a sense of youthfulness, while the enhanced features and improved cost-effectiveness further enhance its appeal. This is a clear demonstration of AION S's commitment to the market before the next-generation model is launched.In conclusion, the AION S MAX is a significant upgrade to the AION S, offering increased comfort and space. The luxurious interior, spaciousness, and en

  hanced features make it an attractive choice for customers in the electric sedan market. The AION S MAX's commitment to meeting customer demands and its efforts to offer a more youthful and cost-effective design are commendable. As the automotive industry continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how AION S's sincere approach to the market will be received by consumers. What are your thou

  ghts on the AION S MAX's upgrades

